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Apollo 15 (AS-510)
Exploration of Hadley-Apennine Region

The successful Apollo 15 manned lunar landing mission was the first in a series of three advanced missions planned for the Apollo program. Its primary scientific objectives were to observe the lunar surface, survey and sample material and surface features in a preselected area of the Hadley-Apennine region, setup and activate surface experiments, and conduct inflight experiments and photographic tasks from lunar orbit.
The space vehicle with a crew of David R. Scott, commander; Alfred J. Worden, command module pilot; and James B. Irwin, lunar module (LM) pilot, was launched on schedule from the NASA Kennedy Space Center, Fla., at 9:34:00 a.m. EST on July 26, 1971.
At 22:04:09 GMT on July 30, the LM descent propulsion system was fired for powered-descent initiation. The LM landed approximately 12 minutes later with sufficient propellant remaining to provide an additional hover time of 103 seconds, had it been required.
During a lunar stay of 66 hr 54 min 53 sec, a 33-min standup extravehicular activity (EVA) and three periods of surface EVA totaling approximately 18.5 hr were performed.
The astronauts were able to collect samples from the low dark plains (maria), the Apennine highlands, and the area along Hadley Rille, a long, narrow winding valley.
Approximately 76 kg of lunar material including soil, rock, core-tube, and deep-core samples were returned to Earth.
Traverses during the three EVA periods were enhanced by use of a Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV). An average speed of 9.6 km/hr was achieved, and speeds up to 12 km/hr were attained over level lunar terrain. The total distance traveled, was 27.9 km, corresponding to a map distance of approximately 25.3 km.
Liftoff of the LM ascent stage occurred at 17:11:23 GMT on August 2 and was monitored by the ground-command television assembly mounted on the LRV. Commanded from Earth, the television assembly was planned to provide coverage after liftoff of the lunar surface and of a lunar eclipse on August 6. Although the television assembly operated successfully during all three EVA periods, the elevation clutch began to slip during the second EVA, and operation deteriorated during the rest of the mission. When activated about 40 hr after LM liftoff, the unit operated satisfactorily for 13 minutes then failed.
Although entry was nominal and all three main parachutes deployed initially, one parachute collapsed before spashdown. However, the CM was landed safely at 20:45:53 GMT, August 7, 1971.
From NASA SP-289, Apollo 15 Preliminary Science Report.

Mission patch
  • Lunar Module - Falcon ; Command and Service Module - Endeavour.
  • Launched from Kennedy Space Center Launch Complex 39A.
  • Third flight for Scott (Gemini VIII and Apollo 9), first for Worden and Irwin.
  • The backup crew members were Richard F. Gordon, commander; Vance Brand, command module pilot; and Harrison H. Schmitt, lunar module pilot.
  • First mission with a lunar roving vehicle (LRV) that could transport two astronauts. The LRV could also carry tools, scientific equipment, communications gear, and lunar samples.
  • Duration of lunar stay: 66 hr 54 min 53 sec.
  • First launch of a subsatellite in lunar orbit.
  • Flags carried on this mission and returned to Earth included 25 United States flags, state and territories flags, and flags of all the United Nations members, each four by six inches.
  • Mission Duration: 295 hr 11 min 53 sec.

  • Images from mission

    Standard figures from Press Release package.

    Main Apollo page

    Michael J. Tuttle, June 28, 1995